negative nancy or

by claracheong

(in lieu of my falling sick I’d wanted to title this post “Sick Sally” but my mother’s name is Sally. So I thought of Sarah but I know of 3 Sarahs. You can see how it would be awkward, so yeah…  :/ )

The last 2 weeks and a half had been excrutiatingly terrible ( to make emphasis, I’m still up and it’s 5:42am )  and hence the lack of post.  But I have a 4 day break starting this Thursday and I have some posts floating about my head that I’ve been meaning to document ! Aside from the lousy quick post I’m currently rambling on about, I actually have something small to document:

My teeth ! Actually now that I’m looking at it, it’s quite strange how I actually look quite like a girl-girl here. I’m growing up faster than I can recgonise myself lol.  At this point I have been putting up with braces for close to a year. People like Natasha I know for one, doesn’t really give a rats ass about her braces (HAHA).

Personally, it’s all I’ve ever wanted since all my baby tooth fell out. It’s not very pleasant being known as the “vampire” through your childhood. Especially not since Twilight and the Vampire craze that entails ! Of course nicer people called it the Dinosaur tooth.

Okay I kid you. The real reason I wanted braces was because I hated the attention that my quirky little tooth gets. I’m just really glad it’s no longer going to be the first thing people notice about me.

Looks like it was taken with a potato doesn’t it..  I really hope they don’t pay those people who design/make these built-in webcam. They could really cut budget if they just have them fired lol. If they get paid, I hope it’s in potatoes too. A potato for a potato.

p/s: Anyone knows how to upload a video onto a blog without going through YouTube first please tell me. I’m a rock when it comes to tech. I have videos I would love to share ! 🙂

Till I blog again, Eat well ! ^_^V